Today, I went to a professional development meeting where I got to exchange ideas with other Art Teachers around the Indianapolis area. One of the coolest things I learned, I want to share with you.
Marbling With Shaving Cream and Watercolor Paints
What You Need:
-Paint brush
-Cup of water
-Water Color Paints (the Crayola or Prang kind that kids use or liquid water colors work best)
-Can of shaving cream
-Cardboard, matte-board, or something to smooth and scrape shaving cream
Steps and Process:
1. Squirt a handful of shaving creme on the table (yes, right onto the table as long as it is not a wooden one or something totally nice. This works well if you are in an art room or have a plastic cardboard table-shaving creme actually cleans the table very well afterwards. You can find some plastic or a tray if you are not comfortable doing this right on a table).
2. Take cardboard or matte board square piece and smooth out/flatten the shaving creme for a work surface (as large as what ever size paper you are working with).
3. Wet paintbrush, choose a color of paint, drip some water onto the paint cake (in the water color tray) and swirl your brush to get paint on the brush.
4. Flick the paint in various places on the shaving cream (it works best to tap the brush so paint does not fly everywhere). You can do this in a variety of colors.
4. Take the end of the paintbrush or a stick/tooth pick to swirl the colors and shaving creme together.
5. Lay a piece of white paper on top. You do not have to press hard. Lift up (it will look like it did not work).
6. Use the matte board/cardboard to scrape off the shaving cream. Voila! You marbled image appears and is automatically dry!
This is fun, easy, fast, and not hard to clean up at all. You can continue to use the same shaving cream pile. Just flatten it back down with the cardboard. You might have a tinted background next time, but that is even cooler.
This is great for bookmaking paper, scrapbooking, ACEO cards, gift tags, or just cool art!
I will try to post pictures when I do this with my elementary art classes for you to see!
Let me know what you think. If you try it, I would love to post pictures of your final product or process!