This week was filled with a lot of things, but I did find some time to start sketching ideas for my first gocco. I have had my gocco for about three weeks now and have not done much with it. The screens and bulbs are so expensive, that I wanted to make sure I had some good ideas first.
I want to make some greeting cards first! The first two ideas I have are below! The one with lots of designs is a little too crowded in one corner I think, but I can white out that part once I make the photocopy for the gocco.

What do you think? Too crowded or some good diversity and asymmetry?
These designs have been inspired by Vera Bradley and a Crate and Barrel Catalogue for a starting point. I had fun trying to come up with different paisley patterns on the one below. No two paisleys are the same!

Which one do you like better? I am thinking about doing some black and white, a turquoise on brown paper, and pink on brown paper. I love those color combinations.
I am also on the hunt for print plush!! Link me some from your shop or Flickr if you make them. I am going to do a feature soon on print plush. I really want to make some!
Please vote for your favorite design above!