Greeting card by NeatThings $4.50
Happy Sunday!
So I got my official Pink Slip on Friday. My school corporation is eliminating my position as an Art teacher since our corporation is having financial troubles. The slip was not even pink!!! It was white. BOO....
I am hopeful still that it does not pass on the board vote or that one of the art teachers will retire, but in light of recent events, I am having a "I Just Got Pink-Slipped SALE" today.
With ANY purchase of Rainbow Crayons, you may choose 2 Rainbow Crayons of your Choice for FREE to include with your purchase. Jumbo or Mini, any style.
Today till Midnight. Enter code: BLOG with the crayons you would like to take advantage of this sale.
I am hoping that I can be one of the "Quit Your Day Job" success stories. Not necessarily for Etsy's home page, but in general so I am financially ok if this job cut passes. There are so many schools going through this right now, so few positions will come up between now and the start of the year. Is anyone else reading going through this or how is your state doing education wise?
I feel bad for the kids because "they" are saying... "It is best for the students.." What? To not have art, music, or PE? To not have councilors at schools? At least my corporation is not cutting specials across the board, but that does not help my situation...
I am in great spirits despite the news. I am just so darn ready for warm weather in Indiana and for my Spring Break Cruise!
Anyways... check out the newest Rainbow Crayons in my shop (with some new Jumbo Flower ones to pop up today or tomorrow). My favorite for Easter are the Jumbo Bunny Rainbow Crayons!