Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I have been lucky to get a few treasuries this week. Pictured above is my most current.

I would appreciate if you would visit, click on the items, and comment. I think this one is front page worthy!

It will expire at 2:29 on Saturday!

I wish everyone a very happy New Years! Be safe!
(There is a previous post from today as well below)

The 2nd Edition of Create.Collect.Trade. is Out and For Sale!

The Pre-sale listing is out for the 2nd Edition of Create.Collect.Trade!

If you are an art collector, coffee table book lover, or ACEO artist, this is the book to get! There are both artist and elementary student ACEO and ATC artworks featured in the collaborative book. There is even a "How To" section on marbling with shaving cream!

This is a wonderful book for teachers, artists, and book lovers alike!

The first edition last spring was a huge hit and received national attention!
I only have 1 copy of the 1st edition left for sale. 

Visit the book blog for more information, to learn what ACEO and ATC art is, or to give back to Project ATC!

Monday, December 22, 2008



Yes, that is right... After Feb. 10th, my Jumbo and Mini Rainbow Crayons will be concidered "toxic" and "dangerous" to kids since I do not have between $500-$2000 to get each crayon style and size tested for lead. This also means that my fiancé's mother can no longer sell her American Girl Doll clothing, plushies, and other things she makes for kids.

No more craft fairs.... no more natural, handmade toys and educational items for your young ones...just what you can find at WalMart and other big companies (which will go up in price as well). All because of the CPSIA (Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act).

They have no idea what they are doing to "small people" like those on Etsy and small time craft fair sellers. PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS SITE or click on the bear to the left of my blog. COMMENT BELOW AND SPREAD THE NEWS!

This is really sad news. 

1. Because I am finally earning a living and making a huge business out of selling my popular Rainbow Crayons.

2. Sooo many people want natural toys that are made by hand and made by REAL people and artists.

3. I will not be having kids for quite some time and want to still be able to buy some of the following products on Etsy . I do not have space to buy tons of kids toys and wait 10 years to have kids to use them....

In 2 months, these wonderful things will be BANNED unless tested for lead (every button, piece, part, style, type...)

I LOVE Christmas Lights with Music!

A teacher at my school won front row seats to the Trans Siberian Orchestra Concert tonight with this display! I just wanted to share it with you. Here are some other lighted, musical selections from the same house! Congrats to them!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Chiyogami Glass Pendants in my Shop!

Happy Sunday everyone!  I am finally on winter break (I am a teacher) and glad to be off of school for a few weeks. This way I can pack up my things (because I am moving to a HOUSE), clean, and catch up on Etsy things!

Today I listed some new pendants in my shop that I wanted to share with you. I just love all of the wonderful colors and shimmery golds! 

I would love to hear what you think of the pendants. One of the best things about them is the fun ribbon/cord they are on. It is not your typical ball chain or black cord! 

Check these pendants and more out in my shop! Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

BRAND NEW Style of Mini Crayons to my Shop!

I just listed a brand new Mini Rainbow Crayon to my shop! 

Introducing Mini Snowflake Rainbow Crayons (Set of 6)! I have 2 sets ready to go in my shop to be shipped out in time for the holidays! These make great stocking stuffers or party favors for winter parties!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

We Just Got a House!

House Pillow, My Lovely Dreamy Reading Room by LeiLiLaLoo

My future husband and I just got an accepted offer to buy our first house! We do not close until the end of January, but wanted to share this happy news with my readers!

In honor of getting our first house, I want to share some "House" items from Etsy with you!
I Will Wait for You by dazeychic

Swirl Wall Graphics by michellechristina

Chicks in the Hood Small Pillow by jamtartbaby

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The T-Shirt Memory Blankets Have Been Featured!

I woke up to a nice surprise on my blog reading feed this morning! 

I have been featured on The Alternative Consumer!

I had never visited the site before, but found their features a great read. They feature different items from all over the internet and world during the day. I am very honored to be on their site and thank them for featuring  our T-Shirt Memory Blankets.

For those who are interested in getting one made, we are booked for Christmas, but would be happy to add you to the list for after the holidays! We have been very busy with requests. Blankets come in 4 sizes at different price points.

Here is the latest feedback we received from a kind customer, who also attached a photo!

"This quilt is absolutely fabulous ! I had it done in Harley Davidson Tshirts , and it turned out so much better than I could even imagine. It's made very well and well worth the money ! If you are even thinking of doing this , don't hesitate !"

Thanks for reading and catching up with me!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Cover for the Fall Edition of Create. Collect. Trade. (An ACEO Book)

Hello everyone!

I am back on my feet again and in desperate need of updating everyone and everything. Several people know some of the things that have been happening lately, but I am doing much better now. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.

I wanted to update you with the cover of the book and some sample pages to follow. For those of you who have been keeping up to date in the forums, the book has been pushed back to the end of December/start of January. We had a few artists go A-wall and was wanting everyone to get a fair shot.

I have heard so many wonderful things about many of you being featured in shops, galleries, articles and that is SOOOO AWESOME to hear. I would like to update and link those bits of good news (on my to do list), as well as post some photos from the conference and students using the book from the Spring.

I hope everyone is doing well and that the holiday season is treating you well. It is a busy, but welcomed time of year as things are "settling down" a bit more for me. Please do not hesitate to contact me. The best way is though my e-mail or an Etsy convo (but those can get buried fast since I receive so many a day).

For those Etsians who purchased and AD space, here is the layout of the page!

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