A few evenings ago, I decided to use
pounce and click on the button to take me to items sold recently. I ran into the shop
nameframes and fell in love. I have been wanting to purchase something like this for quite some time, but never got around to it. I had seen the architecture letters before, but I liked using simple, actual letters in this type of art.
I purchased two of these ( I cannot say who for because they could be a possible reader of mine).
This is such a great gift to give as a house warming gift, wedding gift, Christmas present, or any other special occasion. Their prices were great and the service was amazing.
She had it shipped to me in 24 hours though UPS, so if you want speedy shipping at no extra cost... you now know where to go. I have not gotten the frames yet (since I am never home and UPS does not want to leave it), but I cannot wait!
How long have you been on Etsy?
I started my first store (http://artsypaper.etsy.com) in March and then started the name frame store on July 6th.
How did you Hear about Etsy? I have a few friends who had stores on here and I love to shop at their stores!
Where are you from? Ohio.
How did you get the idea of creating these frames and word art?
I had seen word frames done with items from nature that kind of looked like a letter, but most of the time they are hard to make out and I didn't want one for that reason. I like simple and organized and they were a little too "messy" for me. My hubby calls me "mashed potato's with no gravy". So then I got to thinking - I love fonts, signs and photography so I went around taking photos of different letters with different type faces, textures, etc. and made my own name frame with actual old sign letters. It was SO much more easy to read and I loved how it turned out. I made one for a friend using the photos I had taken, then when her friends saw her sign they wanted one and it just snowballed from there. So I thought I would put them on Etsy and see how they would do. So far I've been amazed and they are SO fun to make!
Do you create any other forms or art?
I'm actually a scrapbooker/paper craft artist originally. I started to get my work published in magazines a few years ago and figured I had better work on improving my photography and then started to love taking the photos almost as much as scrapbooking them. So now I have two loves. :)
What is your favorite part about Etsy and the Etsy community?
Definitely the people I have met. I have never met so many friendly and amazing artists in my life! I love seeing all of the unique things that people make and fun ideas they come up with.
Where do you hang out at the most when you are on Etsy?
Well besides my store, I stalk the Treasury a lot and love the colors feature.
What have you found most helpful or what have you found that works the best for you to get your name out there and sell your items? Any tips for new sellers?
The best tip I can get is just to try to add something at different days/times. I usually try to add at least one new thing each day whether it is to relist or just adding something new - I've found that that seems to get the most people to my stores. Also if someone blogs about your store that helps a ton (thanks Nicole!!!). Even if it is on your own blog.
I see you have another shop on Etsy? Care to share a little about this one with us? LOL - guess I should have read through these first since I kind of answered it up above! :) I have a papercrafts/scrapbooking shop called Artsy Paper (http://artsypaper.etsy.com) which is what I started out with - I really do love all things paper and love making fun little embellishments, note cards, etc.
If you had an unlimited budget, what Etsy item would you purchase? I would re-decorate my daughters' room completely with sweet childrens items I found on Etsy!