It is time to play catch up from the past few month using photos in order from the last blog post till now....
I participated in the Broad Ripple Art Fair Student Sale!
I organized and put on our school's K-8 Art Show. These are some linocut landmark prints from 7th graders! They are pretty talented!
Became a couponer, who gets lots of things for free (but does not store stuff under beds or in kids playrooms like that show...). Thanks to Coupon Pro, Coupon Mom, and Money Saving Mom for getting me started in the right direction and for their updates!
Thanks to them, I am now the proud owner of items like.... 150 boxes of pasta (that I earned $1.50 back when shopping), 32 sticks of deodorant, 25+ boxes of brownies, 43 containers of tic tacs, tooth paste, shampoo, and conditioner for a lifetime and lots more. I have been waiting for my school to host a food drive or something.... I do no need all of this, but it was all FREE! Maybe couponing leads to hoarding....I think both of those shows are on TLC.
Went fishing in St. Petersburg Florida with my husband and two awesome friends!
My sister-in-law got married. I took a photo with a giant yellow pepper!
I became the next American Idol!
Not really, but I had a ton of fun taking photos behind a rear projection screen!
I did eat a lot of crab legs while attending the Home Video Studio Getaway 11 and the "Hanley Awards" in Las Vegas.

Currently I have been adding new Rainbow Crayons to my shop and preparing to go back to school (I am an art teacher).
So there you have it... Summer has been so busy and has gone by so fast. I hope you enjoyed the photos and stay tuned for a giveaway from our Facebook Fan Page and a sale in our Etsy shop!